'A Difficult Crossing'

A Difficult Crossing

'A Difficult Crossing'
(24" w x 14" h - oil)

The original title is not known and the senders of the image wrote initially:

Greetings Mr. Hyde, I am relaying info to you and your friends, which I hope you will find interesting. This Friday Apr. 4 we purchased a fine painting at the ... Flea Mkt. It is our hope that it was done by your relative, Mr. Frank Hyde. Due to lack of knowledge on the subject, also no title known; we accessed the Internet to learn more.Hence, our meeting.

To describe the painting, I will give you briefs/segments. The subject is the crossing of a small bridge, by a Monk,who is carrying a basket loaded with [2] Ducks, [1] Rooster and dealing with a cantankerous Donkey.

IF Management of this group was going well prior to the bridge; it no longer exist now!!! There is expressed effort on the part of the Monk to cross waterway with all mentioned. This is most comical,the facial expressions of the Monk show exasperation,and the shown view of the Donkey is of resolute obstinance.

The before mentioned Ducks and Rooster are attempting escape.There are several Monks in the distance: [1] running to his aid,[1] with upraised arms, [1] realizing the event.Background shows expanse of countryside and Monastery grounds[??]. All very colorful,an afternoon event.

We have enjoyed your web site, it is our hope that we indeed have a portion of this fine history.It is also our hope to find Prints that coincide with the other Monk events.Due to cost it will be a long time before we venture into originals !!! Our plan is to provide you with a photo when possible. We were most excited to find such a well done piece, with humor involved[this is our usual approach of items] ...

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